
Tuesday, 29 November 2011

Cardi Kid

Today, child number two had a heart check up. Since the operation, performed more than a year ago, there are two concerns: the leaky valve and the duct that should be closed.

Child number one was very excited about this appointment. Aside from being the only one in the immediate family who has had no emergency medical attention (and we hope to keep it that way) and doesn't get that hospitals aren't cool, all that child was focused on was the playground. It it pretty cool. Built all along the wall is a play centre. It includes televisions, video games, blocks, trolleys and loads of toys that I really have no idea what to call. The fact is, the waiting children are kept occupied. And, we all know that sometimes the wait at the hospital can be pretty long. Today was different though. We were seen by a nurse within five minutes; that included a weigh-in, height check and a pulse reading. Child number two sat so seriously during each. Pretty proud parent.

A half an hour after the appointment time, we were called into the Doctor's office. A testament to the public health system is that child number two always sees the same doctor. It's great. He listened to the little heart and then sent us in to have an echogram (I think that's what it is called).

For twenty minutes child number two was like a statue. The cold, jelly substance that was rubbed all over the chest, helping to grab images from all directions of that beautiful heart, didn't seem to have any affect on child number two. Pretty proud parent.

Soon, it was over. The dim lighting, in the room, had made me so sleepy. Of course, as soon as the doctor was ready to talk I was all ears. Child number two was doing very well.

As a result of the operation, child number two sustained a leaky valve. The leak could certainly get worse or the valve could have stopped growing because of the interference. None of this is true for our bundle of cute. The leak is still mild.

The duct is still open. This tiny space should have closed, but it hasn't. The doctor is not sure why it hasn't. At the moment, it is too small for any intervention. Should the duct open up further a very simple procedure can be carried out whereby the duct is simply plugged up. Nothing to be concerned with now, though. With good news, there is no need for another heart check for two years. Yeah! What wonderful news. It was, at that moment, that I felt myself let out a sigh of relief. I didn't think I was worried...I must have been.

Anyway, the doctor agreed that it was "overkill" to see him privately in a year's time. He believes the two year wait is ideal. In fact, he said that if he noticed anything change in a year that he would leave it a further year before he would intervene. Sweet. So, there is no need to worry.

The doctor then went on a rant about dental care. Until child number two had the operation, I never knew of the connection between dental care and heart disease. Should child number two have any dental work, the procedure will be coupled with antibiotics. The operation made this the case. So, another reason to keep to the sugar-free terms of the paleo way.

There were high fives all around. And, in the past it would have been an occasion for a Happy Meal on the way home. We don't do that anymore. Yes, we totally deprive our children of that. We did give them both (child number one was well-behaved too) lots of cuddles and kisses.

Pretty proud parent!

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